DSNLU Recruitment 2022 – Eligibility, Salary, Application Form

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DSNLU Recruitment 2022 – Eligibility, Salary, Application Form – Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University (DSNLU) has released an online notification for recruitment to the 17 Vacancies of Teaching & non Teaching Posts. Interested candidates who completed all eligibility criteria can apply in DSNLU Job Notification before the last date 

All the interested and eligible candidates can download the application form from the official website or link given below and submit the duly filled in and signed application along with required documents in both E-mails and by post on or before last date. The e-mail address for sending applications through e-mail . Before applying, candidates are advised to peruse the advertisement carefully and should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria.

DSNLU Recruitment 2022 – Eligibility, Salary, Application Form

DSNLU Recruitment 2022 – Eligibility, Salary, Application Form

Organization Name Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University (DSNLU)
Post Name Teaching Posts- Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturer in Sociology, Teaching Associates & Research Assistants. Non-Teaching Posts- Assistant Registrars & Administrative Posts- Registrars
No. of Posts 17 Posts
Application Starting Date Started
DSNLU Recruitment Last Date 20th August 2022
Advertisement No. DSNLU/TS&NTS-01/2022
Category Sarkari Naukri
Selection Process Written Test and Interview
Job Location Visakhapatnam
Official Site dsnlu.ac.in
DSNLU Jobs 2022 Notification Official Notification
Address to submit the DSNLU Application Form & Fee The Registrar, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, “NYAYAPRASTHA”, Sabbavaram, Visakhapatnam 531035, Andhra Pradesh, India by Indian Speed Post only

Vacancies Details

Name of the Post Vacancies
Teaching Posts 14
Non- Teaching Posts 02
Administrative Posts 01
Total 17 Posts

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for the DSNLU Recruitment vacancy, the candidates should have some required qualifications and age limits. Actually, DSNLU used to recruit young candidates for initial level operations. Let discuss the further details below.

Educational Qualifications

Posts Name Educational Qualifications & Experience
Professors ( Law)
  • An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the concerned discipline and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals and a total research score of 120 as per the criteria of Andhra Pradesh Revised U.G.C. Scales of Pay, 2016.
  • A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/ college as an Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor, and/ or research experience at an equivalent level at the University/ National Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidates. (OR)
  • An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the relevant disciplines, from any academic institutions (not included in A above) / industry, who has made a significant contribution to the knowledge in the concerned/ allied/ relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence provided he/ she has ten years experience.
Associate Professors (Law)
  • A good academic record, with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned disciplines.
  • A Master‘s Degree with at least 55% marks.
  • A minimum of eight years of experience in teaching and/ or research in an academic/ research position equivalent to that of an Assistant Professor in a University, College, or Accredited Research Institution/ industry with a minimum of seven publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals and a total research score of Seventy-five (75) as per the criteria of Andhra Pradesh Revised U.G.C. Scales of Pay, 2016.
Assistant Professors (Law)
  • A Master‘s degree with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade on a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in a concerned subject.
  • The Ph.D. degree has been obtained from a foreign university /institution with a ranking among the top 500 in the World University Ranking.
Lecturer in Sociology
  • Good academic record as defined by the concerned university with at least 55% of the marks or equivalent grade where grading system is practiced at the Master’s level in a relevant subject.
  • Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate should have cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC, CSIR, or similar tests accredited by the UGC like NET/ SLET.
  • Holders of Ph.D. degree as on the date of notification of these Regulations, along with those candidates who are awarded Ph.D. degree through a process of admission, registration, course work, and external evaluation as laid down in the UGC (Minimum Standard Procedures for award of M.Phil/ Ph.D. Degree), Regulations 2009 and so adopted by the university, shall be exempted from NET/ SLET/ SET.
Teaching Associates (Law)
  • Good academic record as defined by the concerned university with at least 55% of the marks or equivalent grade where grading system is practiced at the Master’s level in a relevant subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from the accredited foreign university.
  • Desirable: Proven Teaching/ Research Skills
Research Assistants (Law)
Assistant Registrar (Examinations) 2nd class Master’s Degree with BE/ B.tech (OR) MCA/ MSc/ MS in Computer Science with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of ‘B’ on the UGC 7-point scale along with a good academic recordExperience:

  • Must have 3 years of experience in a supervisory or second grade in a Group B post in a Government Department/ University/ Educational or Research Institution
  • Must have computer knowledge and experience in managing the Examination Section in preparation for evaluation of answer sheets, calculation of CGPA and SGPA, and preparation of records for the announcement of results.
Assistant Registrar (Admn)
  • 2nd class Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of ‘B’ on the UGC 7-point scale along with a good academic record.


  • Must have at least 3 years of experience in a supervisory or equivalent cadre in a Group B post in a Government Department/ University/ Educational or Research Institution along with proven administrative capabilities.
  • The Registrar shall be an academician.
  • At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs. 7000 and above or with 8 years of service in the AGP of Rs. 8000 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration, (or)
  • Comparable experience in research establishment and/ or other institutions of higher education

Application Fee

  • Filled in the application form along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 1,000/- and  Rs. 500/- in case of SC/ ST/ BC/ PH, towards registration fee drawn in favor of ‘The Registrar, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University payable at Visakhapatnam.

Selection Process

  • Candidates will be selected on the basis of Written tests and interviews.

Salary Details

Name of the Post Scale of Pay
Professors ( Law) 144200-218200
Associate Professors (Law) 131400-217100
Assistant Professors (Law) 57700-182400
Lecturer in Sociology 61960-151370
Teaching Associates (Law) 54060- 140540
Research Assistants (Law) 37640- 115500
Assistant Registrar (Examinations) 54060- 140540
Assistant Registrar (Admn) 54060- 140540
Registrar 144200-218200

How to Apply For DSNLU Recruitment 2022 ?

  • Visit the official website @ dsnlu.ac.in.
  • Find the “Recruitment/ Career/ Advertisement menu” link and click on it.
  • Search for the Notification of Non- Teaching, Administrative Job and click on it.
  • Alternatively, download the official notification from the link provided at the end.
  • Read the official notifications carefully and verify your eligibility criteria.
  • Visit the Official Online Apply/ Registration link from below.
  • Fill the required details correctly.
  • Upload all the necessary documents required in the notified format and size.
  • Finally, verify the registered details are correct and accurate, and then submit.
  • Next, make the payment as per the notified mode, if Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University asks. Else, move to the next step.
  • Submit the application and take a Print out of your application form for future reference.

DSNLU Admit Card 2022

  • All the candidates who will qualify the written exam will be eligible to appear for the written exam.
  • The call letter for the DSNLU exam will be uploaded on the DSNLU website.
  • Further, the direct link to download the DSNLU exam will be provided to you here below.

DSNLU Answer Key 2022

  • The DSNLU will release the answer key of the written exam after a few days of conducting the exam.
  • With the help of the DSNLU answer key pdf you will know the probable marks that you will obtain in the written test.
  • You can also raise an objection against the DSNLU answer key released by the commission in case you find an answer marked by the commission to be incorrect.

DSNLU Result 2022

  • DSNLU will announce the result of the written exam and the final result on its website.
  • The DSNLU result pdf will have the names of the qualified candidates who will be appointed to the DSNLU .
  • We will provide you with the direct link to download the DSNLU exam 2022 here once it is announced by the commission.
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