APPSC AE Syllabus 2023 PDF Download | APPSC Exam Pattern

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APPSC AE Syllabus 2023 PDF Download | APPSC Exam Pattern – Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has going to conduct the Written Examination for the post of Assistant Engineers (AE), for that they shall upload the Syllabus and Written Exam Pattern on the Official Site. Applied candidates who are searching and preparing for this Written Examination. This page will be useful to you, we have included the detailed Syllabus and Exam Pattern Here.

Candidates must know the topics that are asked under each section of APPSC AE exam 2023 during their preparation. We will now be looking at the subject-wise APPSC AE syllabus 2023 so that you can cover all the important topics that can be asked in the examination and ensure scoring maximum marks in it.

APPSC AE Syllabus 2023 PDF Download | APPSC Exam Pattern

APPSC AE Syllabus 2023 PDF Download | APPSC Exam Pattern

Organization Name Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)
Position Name Assistant Engineers (AE)
Category Syllabus
Location Andhra Pradesh
selection Process Written Examination in Computer Based Recruitment Test mode
Official Site
APPSC AE Topics & Exam Pattern PDF Download Syllabus
APPSC AE Previous Question Papers Download Previous Papers

APPSC AE Exam Pattern 2023

  • The exam is of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions.
  • This exam is of three papers.
PAPER Name Of Subject Maximum Marks
Paper – I General Studies & Mental Ability (Degree Standard) 150 Marks
Paper-II Civil/ Mechanical (Common) (Diploma Standard) 150 Marks
Paper – I Environmental Engineering/ Civil (Common) (For Post Code 03 Only) (Degree Standard) 150 Marks
Total 450 Marks


  • Number of Questions: 150 Questions
  • Number Of Marks: 150 Marks
  • Time Duration: 150 Minutes


  • Number of Questions: 150 Questions
  • Number Of Marks: 150 Marks
  • Time Duration: 150 Minutes


  • Number of Questions: 150 Questions
  • Number Of Marks: 150 Marks
  • Time Duration: 150 Minutes

APPSC AE Selection Process 2023:

  • The selection to this recruitment notification will be based on the Merit in the Written Exam to be held as per the Scheme and Syllabus.
  • The selection of candidates for appointment to the post will be made on the basis of Written Examination.
  • Appearance in all the papers of examination (computer based test) is compulsory.
  • Absence in any of the papers will automatically render the disqualification of the candidature.
  • The standard for the examination and the cut off marks for various categories for selection shall be fixed by the Commission.
  • The candidates have to secure minimum qualifying marks to be short listed for selection against respective vacancies.
  • The minimum qualifying marks for the vacancies notified under different categories are as follows as per G.O.Ms.No.103, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept., dt.03.02.1967.
  • Open competition & EWS 40%
  • Backward Class 35%
  • SCs, STs & PHs 30%


Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online. In this page we provide the Complete Syllabus of this Recruitment with Latest Update Exam Pattern and the Exam Date also.

Paper –I: General Studies & Mental Ability

  • Events of national and international importance.
  • Current affairs- international, national and regional.
  • General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and information Technology
  • Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
  • Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
  • Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
  • Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
  • Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
  • Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
  • Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
  • Data Analysis: a) Tabulation of data b) Visual representation of data c) Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance and coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
  • Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and Legal implications/problems.

Paper-2 (Common for Civil / Mechanical)

Solid Mechanics:

  • Forces: Different types of forces, gravitational, frictional, axial, tensile or compressive. Law of Parallelogram and triangle of forces, polygon of forces, problems.
  • Centre of gravity and moment of inertia. Simple plane figures, Simple machines, law of machine, Mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency, wheel and axle, pulleys and simple screw jack-problems.
  • Simple Stresses and strailns: Different types of stresses and strains, stress-strain diagram for ductile materials. Factor of safety, ultimate strength and working strength, elastic constants, Poisson ratio. Deformations, volume changes. Relations between elastic constants. Hooke’s Law. Compound rods, temperature stresses, strain energy, impact loading.
  • Riveted and welded joints, different modes of failures, efficiency of joints, thin cylindrical shells, longitudinal and circumferential stresses and volume changes.
  • Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported, over hanging and cantilever beams. Relation between intensity of loading, shear force and bending moment.
  • Theory of simple bending: Assumptions, basic flexure formula, bending stresses, modulus of section, moment of resistance. Circular bending. Distribution of shear stress in common structural sections.
  • Deflection in cantilever and simply supported beams under simple loading- propped cantilever beams subjected to simple loading, determination of reaction. SF and BM diagrams.
  • Simple plane and pin-jointed trusses: Stresses by method of joints and method of sections.
  • Torsion: Assumptions, basic formula of torsion, power transmission by shafts of uniform circular sections close-coiled springs, strain-energy in simple beams and shafts, sudden and impact loading. Principal stresses and principal planes. Moher’s circle of stress.
  • Thin cylinders under internal pressure stresses and volume changes.
  • Columns and struts: Direct and bending stresses, core of section. Short and long columns under axial loading-various end-conditions. Euler and Rankine formulae, Slenderness ratio, simple built-up columns.

Fluid Mechanics:

  • Introduction: Scope of hydraulics in Engineering. Definition and properties of fluid.
  • Fluid pressure and its measurement: Atmospheric pressure, Gauge pressure and absolute pressure. Piezometer, Manometer-U-tube, Inverted U-tube, and differential manometers.
  • Pressure on plane surface immersed in liquid-Horizontal, vertical and inclined plane surface.
  • Flow of fluids: Type of flow-uniform flow, non-uniform flow, streamline flow, Turbulant flow, steady flow and unsteady flow, Energies in fluid motion-Datum head, pressure head and velocity head. Total energy of fluid in motion – Bernoulli’s theorem. Practical application of Bernoulli’s theorem – flow measurement- pitot tube venturimeter – Orificemeter.
  • Flow through orifices and Mouth Pieces: Definition of orifice, types of orifices, Vena contracta, coefficient of velocity, coefficient of contraction, coefficient of discharge. Submerged and partially submerged orifices. Flow through orifices
  • under variable heads – Time of emptying a rectangular tank through orifices. Mouth pieces – different types of problems.
  • Notches and Weirs: Definition of notch, types of notches – Rectangular notch, Tringular notch and trapezoidal notch. Discharge over a rectangular, triangular and a trapezoidal notches.
  • Flow through pipes: Major and minor losses – Loss of head at entrance, loss of head due to sudden enlargement, due to sudden contraction, loss of head at exit of the pipe. Frictional loss in pipe-Chezy formula and Daycy’s formula. ix) Hydraulic gradient and total energy line. Discharge through parallel pipes and branched pipes connected to a reservoir. Flow through syphon pipe.

Paper-3 (Common for Environmental/ Civil):

1.Water Supply Engineering Sources of water: surface and sub-surface water, aquifers, yield from wells, Infiltration galleries, types of intakes and design of intakes, collection and conveyance of water; water demand and it’s variations, estimation of water demand; quality of water, characteristics, water-borne diseases, water sampling and analysis, water quality standards; Water Treatment: unit operations and processes for water treatment, sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation, filtration, disinfection, water softening, removal of colour, iron and manganese; aeration, Defluoridation of water, demineralisation of water, R.O. process, principles and design of various water treatment units; Distribution of treated water, systems of water distribution, layouts of distribution systems, components of distribution systems, valves, analysis and design of the water distribution systems, Storage and distribution reservoirs; leakages and control in water distribution system; Rural water supply;

2.Wastewater Engineering Systems of sewage collection, conveyance, and disposal; estimation of quantity of sewage and storm water, sewerage systems, sewer appurtenances, material for sewers, laying of sewers, Design of sewers, operation and maintenance of sewerage systems; pumping of sewage; Characteristics of sewage, sampling and analysis of sewage, unit operations and process for wastewater treatment, aerobic, anaerobic, facultative and anoixic processes, principles and design of various wastewater treatment units, principles and design of septic tanks, disposal of septic tank effluent; Common Effluent Treatment Plants, Zero liquid discharge; Disposal of products of sewage treatment; Sludge handling, treatment and disposal; self purification of streams; Building drainage, Plumbing Systems; Rural and semi-urban sanitation; Urban storm water management, Impact of storm water, Management of storm water runoff, design of storm water drainage systems;

3.Solid Waste Management Sources of solid waste, classification, characteristics, generation, on-site segregation and storage, collection, transfer and transportation of solid waste; principles and engineering systems for solid waste management, treatment and processing of solid waste; landfills and their classification, principles, design and management of landfills; Leachate management, disposal of solid waste; Hazardous waste characteristics, handling, storage, collection and transportation, treatment and disposal; e-waste: sources, collection, treatment and reuse;

  1. Water Resources Engineering
  2. i) Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic Machines Physical properties of fluids, fluid statics; fluid flow concepts, Kinematics of flow, continuity, momentum and energy principles and corresponding equations; Flow measurement; dimensional analysis and hydraulic similitude; flow through pipes and open channel hydraulics; Hydraulic jump, Surges and Water hammer; Basic principles of hydraulic machines, turbines and pumps, types, selection, performance parameters, controls, scaling, pumps in parallel; Hydraulic ram;
  3. ii) Hydrology Hydrological cycle, precipitation and its estimation, evaporation and transpiration, runoff estimation; hydrographs; Floods estimation and routing, flood management; streams and their gauging; capacity of Reservoirs. Watershed management and rainwater harvesting; ground water hydrology: steady state well hydraulics and application of Darcy’s law, recuperation test for well yield, ground water management;

iii) Irrigation Water resources of the earth, irrigation systems, advantages and disadvantages of irrigation, duty, delta, crop water requirements; Water logging and drainage, Design of canals, head works, canal distribution works, falls, crossdrainage works, canal lining; Sediment transport in canals;

  1. Surveying Principles of surveying, classification of surveys; Measurement of distances and directions, direct and indirect methods; optical and electronic devices; chain and compass survey; levelling and trigonometric levelling, Contours; Theodolite and tachometric survey; Total station, triangulations and traversing; measurements and adjustment of observations, errors and their adjustments, computation of coordinates; minor instruments; area and volumes; curve setting, horizontal and vertical curves; Digital elevation modelling concept; basic concepts of remote sensing, GIS and global positioning system;
  2. Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering Physical and index properties of soil, classification and interrelationship; Permeability and seepage, Darcy’s law; flow nets, uplift pressure, piping; Compressibility and consolidation; Compaction behaviour, methods of compaction and their choice; Shear strength of soils, stresses and failure, Mohr’s circle; Earth pressure theories, stability analysis of slopes, retaining structures, stress distribution in soil; site investigations and sub-surface exploration; Types of foundations, selection criteria, bearing capacity, effect of water table, settlement, laboratory and field tests; principles and design considerations of shallow and deep foundations; Types of piles, their design and layout, pile load tests, Caissons, Foundations on expansive soils, swelling and its prevention;
  3. Transportation Engineering Planning and development of highway, classification of roads, highway alignment and geometric design, cross-sectional elements, sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignment, grade separation; Highway materials, their properties and quality tests, construction of earthen, W.B.M., Bitumen and cement concrete roads; bitumen mix design; Maintenance of all types of roads, disposal of muck, highway drainage, Street lighting; design of flexible and rigid pavements using IRC recommendations; Traffic engineering, traffic characteristics, traffic surveys, traffic control devices, intersections, signaling; Mass transit systems, accessibility, traffic control, emergency management. Airports, layout and orientation, site selection; runway and taxiway design; drainage management; Zoning laws; Helipads, Airport obstructions, Visual aids and air traffic control;
  4. Solid Mechanics and Analysis Of Structures
  5. i) Solid Mechanics

Simple stress and strain relationships, Bending moment flexural and shear stresses in statically determinate beams; Elastic theories of failure; Torsion of circular and rectangular sections and simple members; buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses.

  1. ii) Structural Analysis

Analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures by force/ energy methods; Method of superposition; Analysis of trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames; Analysis of thin and thick cylinders; Slope deflection, moment distribution, and Stiffness and flexibility methods of structural analysis; Influence lines;

  1. Design Of Structures
  2. i) Reinforced Concrete Structures Concepts of working stress, limit state and ultimate load design methods; IS code specifications for design of beams, slabs, columns, footings, and walls; design of beams, slabs, columns; Analysis of beam sections at transfer and service loads; Design of wall footings, foundations, retaining walls, and water tanks Principles of prestressed concrete, methods of prestressing; design of simple members; Design of brick masonry
  3. ii) Steel Structures Concepts of Working stress and Limit state design methods; Design of tension and compression members, beams, columns and column bases; Connections – simple and eccentric, beam-column connections, plate girders and trusses;
  4. Building Materials and Construction Practice Building Materials: composition and properties of timber, bricks, cement, concrete, structural steel, plywood; mix design, short-term and long-term properties of concrete and mortar; Bitumen; Brick masonry, influence of mortar strength on masonry strength. Importance of W/C Ratio, Strength, ingredients including admixtures, workability, testing for strength, elasticity, non destructive testing, mix design methods in concrete; Green building concepts construction Management: Types of construction projects; Concreting Equipment, Earthwork Equipment, Tendering and construction contracts; Rate analysis and standard specifications; Cost estimation; Project planning and network analysis: PERT and CPM, Resource allocation.
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